My defences were all tossed aside, starting with the truth behind the matter, I wasn't rating girls, I was pointing out what I thought about them, and areas I felt they could possibly improve. I had never used what I consider to be privileged information in any posts, and no information that wasn't otherwise publically available, they claimed I mentioned her twitter account, which was simply not true, that was her account I was mentioning, and it was in the initial question, not something that I could control.
When they denied that claim with denial, I went on to prove otherwise when they said "boys shouldn't rate girls online" with evidence on my iPhone that I wasn't the only one guilty and that girls rate boys too. Following this, with disregard that there is clearly a double standard, the vp tossed my phone back to me, without copying down any information and satin the obligatory line that "it will be investigated as appropriate".
The only point I didn't bring up was the point of my personal reasons for doing this, aside from my claims of complete Hornsby (which are true), there's a biological clock in us all, and frankly, the watch on mine doesn't look particularly good.
I still can't think of a solid legal reason I was suspended for my actions, I simply stated my personal opinion on member of society I knew, they have every right to take legal action by means of to report postings they felt were in hindrance with their personal rights and freedoms, statute and constitutional laws. They also could have contacted me with individual posts and requested for their removal in person, or by writing. INSTEAD, they claim I could've modified my statements, which would then have gotten me in trouble with This is because as registering as a member I agreed to: "provide true and accurate information to" and if I did not do as such I could face account suspension or termination.
Sometimes I wish I thought like everyone else, but then I'd just be a part of the problem. Our society does not in my mind, honour the codes it preaches. For such reasons, it seems like their just preaching us garbage in law and civics class, and we should just continue to crumble in our society as the few at the top leave little room for others and train no one to take their place as they go.